Version Release Notes

Release Date: 9/16/2013

Following is a summary of the corrections and enhancements included in the Tenmast Software release on 9/16/2013.

FSS Release Notes

General Ledger Release Notes

Occupancy and Rent Calculation Release Notes

Payroll Release Notes

Tenant Accounts Receivable Release Notes

Work Orders Release Notes


WinTen²⁺ Program Version:


1. We have made enhancements to the first step of the FSS Escrow Wizard. The Escrow Amount shown is now the amount as of the selected "date to process." We have also made several new columns available on this step, including "Balance as of Selected Process Date" and fields for the date, description, and amount of the last TAR transaction. (You can find the Column Chooser by right-clicking any column header.) (Case 6118)
2. As a filter option, we have added the "Only show active participants" checkbox at the bottom of the FSS Case List screen. (Case 10226)
3. In WinTen²⁺ FSS, we have improved the relationship that links to ORC certifications, to avoid possible disconnects between ORC certifications and FSS cases. (Cases 9903 and 10059)

Bug Reports

1. A bug prevented the importing of FSS participants who have ever received more than one type of subsidy, whether currently or in the past. It also prevented the adding of a participant who currently receives more than one type of subsidy. This has been corrected. (Cases 9149, 9946, and 10050)
2. The FSS Discrepancy Report incorrectly included deleted participants. This has been corrected. (Case 9895)
3. On importing a certification that included a change of Program Type, WinTen²⁺ FSS failed to update the participant's Program Type. This has been corrected. (Case 10087)

General Ledger

WinTen² Program Version:

Bug Reports

1. The program was not assigning the automatic Reference numbers for entries in manually-added journal batches. This has been corrected. (Case 10311)
2. Various errors could sometimes occur when posting to Period 13. These have been corrected. (Case 10198)
3. The Journal Code was missing for certain entries on the Detailed General Ledger report. This has been corrected. (Case 10280)
4. When editing a line item in a Journal Voucher, the program would incorrectly allow you to move to a different line item without first saving or canceling the edit. This has been corrected. (Case 10172)

Occupancy and Rent Calculation

WinTen² Program Version:

Bug Report

1. On the Main tab of the Tenant Detail screen, an error would occur on certain tenants when opening the Scribe Log Viewer (from the "Show form letters and reports printed for this tenant" icon). This has been corrected. (Case 9664)


WinTen² Program Version:


1. We have updated the payroll tax tables for the state of Ohio, based on recently enacted legislation, and we have added tax tables for the state of Missouri. (Cases 10015 and 10127)

Tenant Accounts Receivable

WinTen² Program Version:

Bug Report

1. For certain clients, the header in the Direct Debit ACH file did not match the agency's information from setup. This has been corrected. (Case 9128)

Work Orders

WinTen²⁺ Program Version:


1. We have added the Add Flat Time Labor button to the Employee tab of the Work Order screen. This new function allows you to enter flat time of any amount, including time greater than 24 hours. (Case 5201)
2. On the Charges and Employee tabs of the Work Order screen, we have added a vertical scrollbar on the right hand side to allow you to scroll down to see additional entries. The scrollbar appears only when needed. (Case 4227)

Bug Report

1. A bug prevented users from saving Work Order reports. This has been corrected. (Case 9995)

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An MRI Software Company